Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What is Sieve Band Screen Product?

We are back! Yesterday we touch on the topic - What is Resin Trap Screen? 

Today we will be explaining to you about Sieve Band Screen Product.

First all of sieve band screen product is catered to the food and beverage industry.

It is commonly use in the food processing and corn wet milling plants.
The Sieve Bend Screen is commonly used in food processing and corn wet milling plants. In the corn wet milling process, CP Screens precisely manufactures the 120 Degree DSM Screen which is simple in shape, just like the common Sieve Bend Screen, however its very fine slot openings commonly 75 and 100 µm, are very critical.  Read more here....

What does CP Screen offer?

CP Screens offer the Sieve Bend Screen that is curved in profile and operates more effectively than Flat Screen Panels in the same application, that is, for dewatering and solid to liquid separation. The adjacent Profile Wires are position perpendicular to the process flow and thus enable its leading edge to ‘cut’ the flow and collect the process liquid and smaller solid particles. The much larger particles will run down the screen and are collected as a consequence. 
CP Screens offer the Sieve Bend Screen that is curved in profile and operates more effectively than Flat Screen Panels in the same application, that is, for dewatering and solid to liquid separation. The adjacent Profile Wires are position perpendicular to the process flow and thus enable its leading edge to ‘cut’ the flow and collect the process liquid and smaller solid particles. The much larger particles will run down the screen and are collected as a consequence. 
Here are some of the picture of a sieve band screen product

cp screen sieve band

 For more information about Sieve Band Screen product kindly CLICK HERE. 

All the best




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